Wedgewood timelines allow for one hour for posed & group photos after ceremony (recessional) and reception entrance. This usually isn’t enough time for all the posed individual and group photos most couples would like. As a result, before ceremony we ideally like to photograph portraits of the bride + groom separately, as well as small groups of their inner circle (wedding party and close family), so it’s vital the day begin on time.
- Hair & Make-up vendors usually run late, so set the timeline an hour early. Misjudging hair and make-up schedules are often the reason a bride arrives late. Set your hard completion time hone hour earlier than when you will need to dress. That way your vendor can run late and you’ll save stress.
- Set a target arrival time to shuttle / limo drivers 30 minutes before what is needed. Even in our day of GPS and driver computing software, chauffeurs often misjudge the time needed to get to the wedding venue. With a head start, they can run late in a traffic jam and you’ll be unfazed.
- It’s important everyone in your inner circle knows that the pre-ceremony time at Wedgewood is a precious commodity and everyone needs to remain in forward momentum until they are dressed and ready for ceremony. DON’T drink champagne until everyone is dressed (and we’re there to capture the toasts). Treat it as the finish line reward for everyone getting dressed!
- Both bride and groom should appoint a Time Czar. Who wants to worry about time on their wedding day? You’re mission is joy — not to worry about the clock. Appoint someone in your inner circle to keep you on time. The goal is to get you in your clothes, looking good, and ready to relax before the ceremony and all the social fun ahead — so make sure a friend is looking out for you, making sure you don’t waste time on tasks or conversations that take you off your goal.
- A bride and/or groom and/or parents should be very cautious about taking on too many Do-It-Yourself decor responsibilities at Wedgewood. You think you’ll be able to arrive in time and set center pieces and ceremony props, but don’t do it. Assign it to someone you trust. Everyone wants to help, so assign tasks a week or two out from Wedding Day. Note that if Bridesmaids or Groomsmen are going to help with setting up decor, they should be dressed BEFORE their decor assignments. Bride and Groom dress last.
Smart phone photos will slow down your group. Even in a bridal prep room being documented by one or two professional photographers, almost every bridesmaid, auntie, and often Mothers will also be shooting photos—when they should be getting dressed. Smart phones are slow ("wait, wait, let me take a picture") while professional cameras document life on the fly as it happens. We never want to be in the awkward position of reminding your posse that they need to stay on time and should put their phones away, but that's a great task for your appointed time keeper. Someone to crack the whip (with a smile).